
Bus Fare to Dublin - Your Ticket to Celtic Craic!

Wherever You Roam, Bus Fare to Dublin Will Take You on a Musical Adventure.

Introducing Bus Fare to Dublin, a dynamic four-person Celtic band with a repertoire that seamlessly blends traditional Celtic tunes with contemporary twists, and folk melodies.

The quartet features Aedan MacDonnell providing dynamic texture on keyboards, accordion, and vocals, Doreen Wiley setting the rhythm on percussion and supplying depth and richness through her lead and backing vocals, Michelle Sheehy enchanting audiences with her masterful fiddle playing, and Philip Maluso enriching the tapestry of sound with his guitar, cajon, and vocals,

Bus Fare to Dublin delivers a spirited and engaging musical journey. With a fusion of Celtic folk tunes, rock rhythms, and electronic elements, the band delivers a fresh and innovative sound that pays homage to its roots while embracing contemporary influences. With their infectious energy and eclectic repertoire Bus Fare to Dublin is sure to leave a lasting impression wherever they perform.